tirsdag den 10. april 2012

its time


ohh yeah jeg var hjemme hos en veninde og vi søgte lidt rundt på må og få, så kom jeg til wikipidia og så det her:
Holy Musical B@man!Holy Musical B@man! is a parody musical based upon DC Universe's Batman, and was performed in Chicago at the Hoover-Leppen Theatre on March 22-25, 2012.[13] It has been announced that the show will be released on YouTube on April 13, 2012.[14]
To allow YouTube viewers a chance to watch the musical spoiler free, details of the musical have been kept secret by StarKid; with live audience members made to sign legal documents before the show to ensure no details would leak into the general public.[15]

jeg blev så lykkelig  og så gik vi ind på youtube og fandt vidioen hvor de siger at den komme...
det er fradag den 13 april kl 9 (deres tid)

jeg har været elektrisk hele resten af  dagen

go starkid

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